What is Low-E Glass?



As energy efficiency becomes an increasingly important consideration for homeowners, innovative technologies are being incorporated into various aspects of our homes. One such technology is Low-E (Low Emissivity) glass, which offers a range of benefits in terms of insulation, comfort, and cost savings. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Low-E glass, explaining what it is, how it works, and the advantages it brings to your home.

Understanding Low-E Glass:

Low-E glass is essentially a glass with a thin, transparent coating that reflects thermal radiation. This coating is usually made of a microscopically thin layer of metal or metallic oxide, applied to one or both sides of the glass surface. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of heat radiated through the glass while allowing visible light to pass through. By controlling the passage of heat and light, Low-E glass helps to make our homes more energy efficient.

The Benefits of Low-E Glass:

1. Enhanced Insulation:

The primary benefit of Low-E glass is its ability to improve insulation. Its coating reflects a significant portion of radiant heat, preventing it from entering or leaving your home. During the colder months, Low-E glass helps to retain the warmth generated by heaters inside, reducing heat loss through the windows. In warmer climates, it reflects hot solar rays away, keeping your home cooler and reducing the load on air conditioning systems.

2. Year-Round Comfort:

By reducing heat transfer, Low-E glass helps to maintain a consistent and comfortable indoor temperature year-round. It minimizes drafts near windows and eliminates cold spots, providing a more pleasant living environment. You can bid farewell to those uncomfortable chilly sensations in winter and hot spots during summer as Low-E glass helps to even out temperature distribution.

3. UV Ray Protection:

One often overlooked benefit of Low-E glass is its ability to block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause fading and damage to furniture, flooring, and artwork in your home. With Low-E glass, you can protect your investments and keep your interiors looking vibrant by reducing the amount of UV radiation entering your living space.

4. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings:

With better insulation and reduced heat transfer, Low-E glass can significantly decrease energy consumption in your home. By reducing the demand for heating and cooling systems, you can enjoy substantial cost savings on your energy bills. Over time, these savings can offset the initial investment in Low-E glass windows, making it a wise long-term choice for homeowners.


Low-E glass technology has revolutionized the energy efficiency of windows, offering homeowners a range of benefits. From improved insulation and year-round comfort to protection against UV radiation and reduced energy costs, Low-E glass plays a vital role in creating more sustainable and comfortable homes. If you’re looking to enhance your home’s energy efficiency, considering the installation of Low-E glass windows could be a sound investment that delivers lasting rewards.

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4 Simple Steps To Upgrade Your Windows


Step 1

Upload Photos Windows/Doors


Step 2

Contract Signed/Final Measurements


Step 3

Manufacture Custom Windows


Step 4

Installation day